Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My Welcome Speech on Ambedkar Birthday Oratorical Competition Michigan -April 2018 (AANA &PASC NA combined event)

Hello All ,

IN 1980 ‘s  when  Indians came to USA the samajas came with them   , gradually the people who forms those samajas become the face of indians in USA the others are in minority and neglected
With the help of reservation and  globalization ,  People who denied education  become the first generation of   people started coming to   America .
 Sadly ,somewhere along the line while packing  their baggage  with masalas , They also packed caste in all flavors and colors  and brought to USA .
In the year of 2014  when the government changed in  india that impact felt in USA,   Suddenly there is an outburst of organizations in America that started to  openly supporting caste.
Caste  seamlessly Mingled  among  indians in  America . It is in the form of whatsup groups , facebook pages and also in the name of  gatherings that has the  agenda as
 “protecting the culture “ – in the name of culture all these kind of gathering protect is caste .
By seeing this   PASC  NA started one year before on the day of APril 14th  with likeminded inviduals 
With the thought as  “if the groups promoting caste are here in North america then why cannot we have the group that opposes castesim ? “   . A Group  sends the strong message to the people here  - “Guys , Stop this “
It started as a whatsup group ,  thozars  in different states of USA and Canada joined  - This Group became the PASC NA (Periyar Ambedkar study circle – North America ) organization  ,
In an  year we certainly made our name in various protests and events .  THozar Prabha will explain the  timeline of activities done by PASC NA in this year .

“Men are mortal so are ideas .An  idea need propagation as much  as a plant need watering ,otherwise both will wither and die” –Dr.Ambedkar .
We need to keep propagate the ideas of Rationalism ,
 As a natural progress the groups like PASC NA will come together with other likeminded groups like  AANA  and will  become a strong force against  caste and inequality .   
This should not stop with our generation, 
we need to pass this idea to our next generation
To do that,   reading and knowing  about  the leaders will be  the first step
 we are here for that .

Thanks ,

1 comment:

  1. I would highly appreciate if you guide me through this. Thanks for the article…
    Nice One...
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